4 Great Dental Tips for Pregnant Women
4 Great Dental Tips for Pregnant Women Pregnancy is a thrilling, busy time for a woman, but during the thrilling time pregnant women should not overlook their dental health as it affects themselves and their babies. Most routine treatment is perfectly safe during...
10 Interesting Factoids About Your Teeth
10 Interesting Factoids About Your Teeth The modern world goes by, to quite Shakespeare, with a lot of “sound and fury”. It can be difficult to make an escape from being the target of some advertising campaign or the other. In this hectic environment the professionals...
Don’t let December Damage your Dental Bliss
Don’t let December Damage your Dental Bliss This time of year can hold hidden dangers to your oral health for several reasons: increased availability of unhealthy food and beverages, added stress from family, work, and time constraints, and powerful attacks against...
6 Teeth Whitening Tricks That Actually Work
6 Teeth Whitening Tricks That Actually Work Evеrуоnе knоwѕ іt’ѕ important tо bruѕh twісе daily, іn the morning аnd аt nіght, and rеgulаrlу flоѕѕ, tоо. But whаt else can уоu do tо mаkе your teeth thеіr brightest, whіtеѕt and all-around hеаlthіеѕt? Here аrе еаѕу tips...